Results for 'Mark Vergel Acompañado Idulog'

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  1.  56
    Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I.Mark Okrent & Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):290.
  2. Talk about Beliefs.Mark Crimmins - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):420-421.
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    Do we really know how many clinical trials are conducted ethically? Why research ethics committee review practices need to be strengthened and initial steps we could take to strengthen them.Mark Yarborough - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):572-579.
    Research Ethics Committees (RECs) play a critical gatekeeping role in clinical trials. This role is meant to ensure that only those trials that meet certain ethical thresholds proceed through their gate. Two of these thresholds are that the potential benefits of trials are reasonable in relation to risks and that trials are capable of producing a requisite amount of social value. While one ought not expect perfect execution by RECs of their gatekeeping role, one should expect routine success in it. (...)
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    Ways of Meaning: An Introduction to a Phiosophy of Language.Mark de Bretton Platts - 1979 - Boston: MIT Press.
    This second edition of the book contains a new chapter on the notions of natural-kind words and natural kinds.
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    A Theory of Argument.Mark Vorobej - 2006 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    A Theory of Argument is an advanced textbook intended for students in philosophy, communications studies and linguistics who have completed at least one course in argumentation theory, information logic, critical thinking or formal logic. Containing nearly 400 exercises, Mark Vorobej develops a novel approach to argument interpretation and evaluation. One of the key themes of the book is that we cannot succeed in distinguishing good argument from bad arguments until we learn to listen carefully to others. Part I develops (...)
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    Brentano's Mind.Mark Textor - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Mark Textor presents a critical study of the work of Franz Brentano, one of the most important thinkers of the nineteenth century. His work has influenced analytic philosophers like Russell as well as phenomenologists like Husserl and Sartre, and continues to shape debates in the philosophy of mind. Brentano made intentionality a central topic in the philosophy of mind by proposing that 'directedness' is the distinctive feature of the mental. The first part of the book investigates Brentano's intentionalism as (...)
  7.  44
    How to describe and evaluate “deception” phenomena: recasting the metaphysics, ethics, and politics of ICTs in terms of magic and performance and taking a relational and narrative turn.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (2):71-85.
    Contemporary ICTs such as speaking machines and computer games tend to create illusions. Is this ethically problematic? Is it deception? And what kind of “reality” do we presuppose when we talk about illusion in this context? Inspired by work on similarities between ICT design and the art of magic and illusion, responding to literature on deception in robot ethics and related fields, and briefly considering the issue in the context of the history of machines, this paper discusses these questions through (...)
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    When Do Pediatricians Call the Ethics Consultation Service? Impact of Clinical Experience and Formal Ethics Training.Mark C. Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman, Susanna Jain, Katie R. Baughman & Naomi T. Laventhal - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):83-90.
    Background: Previous research shows that pediatricians inconsistently utilize the ethics consultation service (ECS). Methods: Pediatricians in two suburban, Midwestern academic hospitals were asked to reflect on their ethics training and utilization of ECS via an anonymous, electronic survey distributed in 2017 and 2018, and analyzed in 2018. Participants reported their clinical experience, exposure to formal and informal ethics training, use of formal and informal ethics consultations, and potential barriers to formal consultation. Results: Less experienced pediatricians were more likely to utilize (...)
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    Science and the open society: the future of Karl Popper's philosophy.Mark Amadeus Notturno - 2000 - New York, N.Y.: Central European University Press.
    A Clearly argued and easy to read defense of Karl Popper's philosophy.
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    Speak No Evil? Conscience and the Duty to Inform, Refer or Transfer Care.Mark P. Aulisio & Kavita Shah Arora - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (3):257-266.
    This paper argues that the type of conscience claims made in last decade’s spate of cases involving pharmacists’ objections to filling birth control prescriptions and cases such as Ms. Means and Mercy Health Partners of Michigan, and even the Affordable Care Act and the Little Sisters of the Poor, as different as they appear to be from each other, share a common element that ties them together and makes them fundamentally different in kind from traditional claims of conscience about which (...)
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  11. Relative Expectation Theory.Mark Colyvan - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (1):37-44.
    Games such as the St. Petersburg game present serious problems for decision theory.1 The St. Petersburg game invokes an unbounded utility function to produce an infinite expectation for playing the game. The problem is usually presented as a clash between decision theory and intuition: most people are not prepared to pay a large finite sum to buy into this game, yet this is precisely what decision theory suggests we ought to do. But there is another problem associated with the St. (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Morality without Foundations: A Defense of Moral Contextualism.Mark Timmons - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):124-127.
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  13. The natural environment is valuable but not infinitely valuable.Mark Colyvan, James Justus & Helen M. Regan - 2010 - Conservation Letters 3:224-228.
    It has been argued in the conservation literature that giving conservation absolute priority over competing interests would best protect the environment. Attributing infinite value to the environment or claiming it is ‘priceless’ are two ways of ensuring this priority (e.g. Hargrove 1989; Bulte and van Kooten 2000; Ackerman and Heinzerling 2002; McCauley 2006; Halsing and Moore 2008). But such proposals would paralyse conservation efforts. We describe the serious problems with these proposals and what they mean for practical applications, and we (...)
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    Beyond a Western Bioethics in Asia and Its Implication on Autonomy.Mark Tan Kiak Min - 2017 - The New Bioethics 23 (2):154-164.
    Despite flourishing as a multidisciplinary subject, the predominant view in bioethics today is based on Anglo-American thought. This has serious implications for a global bioethics that needs to be contextualized to local cultures and circumstances in order to be relevant. Being the largest continent on the earth, Asia is home to a variety of cultures, religions and countries of different economic statuses. While the practice of medicine in the East and West may be similar, its ethical practices do differ. Thus, (...)
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    The Market. Ethics, Knowledge and Politics.Mark Peacock - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (1):111-113.
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  16. On the logic of ability.Mark A. Brown - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (1):1 - 26.
  17.  20
    Religious and Philosophical Aspects of the Laozi.Mark Csikszentmihalyi & Philip J. Ivanhoe - 1999 - SUNY Press.
    Leading scholars examine religious and philosophical dimensions of the Chinese classic known as the Daodejing or Laozi.
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  18. A defense of temporalism.Mark Aronszajn - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 81 (1):71 - 95.
  19. (1 other version)Music and Conceptualization.Mark Debellis - 1997 - Mind 106 (423):599-602.
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    Social Science in the Crucible: The American Debate Over Objectivity and Purpose, 1918-1941.Mark C. Smith - 1994
    The 1920s and 30s were key decades for the history of American social science. The success of such quantitative disciplines as economics and psychology during World War I forced social scientists to reexamine their methods and practices and to consider recasting their field as a more objective science separated from its historical foundation in social reform. The debate that ensued, fiercely conducted in books, articles, correspondence, and even presidential addresses, made its way into every aspect of social science thought of (...)
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  21.  50
    Adult Learning and Language Simplification.Mark Atkinson, Kenny Smith & Simon Kirby - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2818-2854.
    Languages spoken in larger populations are relatively simple. A possible explanation for this is that languages with a greater number of speakers tend to also be those with higher proportions of non‐native speakers, who may simplify language during learning. We assess this explanation for the negative correlation between population size and linguistic complexity in three experiments, using artificial language learning techniques to investigate both the simplifications made by individual adult learners and the potential for such simplifications to influence group‐level language (...)
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  22. Analytic Functionalism and Mental State Attribution.Mark Phelan & Wesley Buckwalter - 2012 - Philosophical Topics 40 (2):129-154.
    We argue that the causal account offered by analytic functionalism provides the best account of the folk psychological theory of mind, and that people ordinarily define mental states relative to the causal roles these states occupy in relation to environmental impingements, external behaviors, and other mental states. We present new empirical evidence, as well as review several key studies on mental state ascription to diverse types of entities such as robots, cyborgs, corporations and God, and explain how this evidence supports (...)
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  23.  36
    Resources, reproduction, and mate competition in human populations.Mark V. Flinn - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):305-307.
  24. What is blame and why do we love it?Mark D. Alicke, Ross Rogers & Sarah Taylor - 2018 - In Kurt Gray & Jesse Graham (eds.), Atlas of Moral Psychology. Guilford. pp. 382.
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    Niche Construction and the Toolkits of Hunter–Gatherers and Food Producers.Mark Collard, Briggs Buchanan, April Ruttle & Michael J. O’Brien - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (3):251-259.
    In the study reported here we examined the impact of population size and two proxies of risk of resource failure on the diversity and complexity of the food-getting toolkits of hunter–gatherers and small-scale food producers. We tested three hypotheses: the risk hypothesis, the population-size hypothesis, and a hypothesis derived from niche construction theory. Our analyses indicated that the toolkits of hunter–gatherers are more affected by risk than are the toolkits of food producers. They also showed that the toolkits of food (...)
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  26. fMRI measurements of color in macaque and human.Mark Augath - unknown
    We have used fMRI to measure responses to chromatic and achromatic contrast in retinotopically defined regions of macaque and human visual cortex. We make four observations. Firstly, the relative amplitudes of responses to color and luminance stimuli in macaque area V1 are similar to those previously observed in human fMRI experiments. Secondly, the dorsal and ventral subdivisions of macaque area V4 respond in a similar way to opponent (L j M)-cone chromatic contrast suggesting that they are part of a single (...)
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  27.  9
    Der Begriff der Ableitbarkeit bei Bolzano.Mark Siebel - 1996 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
  28. Why contingent identity is necessary.Mark Wilson - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 43 (3):301 - 327.
    This paper argues that the principle of necessary identity (f)(g)(f=g then necessarily f=g) cannot be maintained, At least in second order form. A paradox based upon scientific definitional practice is introduced to demonstrate this. A non-Fregean reading of standard contingent identity semantics is provided to explain how such 'definition breaking' works.
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    Ethics Committees: Decisions by Bureaucracy.Mark Siegler - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (3):22-24.
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    Created in the Image of God: Bioethical Implications of the Imago Dei.Mark J. Cherry - 2017 - Christian Bioethics 23 (3):219-233.
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  31. Functional Imaging Reveals Visual Modulation of Specific Fields in Auditory Cortex.Mark Augath - unknown
    Merging the information from different senses is essential for successful interaction with real-life situations. Indeed, sensory integration can reduce perceptual ambiguity, speed reactions, or change the qualitative sensory experience. It is widely held that integration occurs at later processing stages and mostly in higher association cortices; however, recent studies suggest that sensory convergence can occur in primary sensory cortex. A good model for early convergence proved to be the auditory cortex, which can be modulated by visual and tactile stimulation; however, (...)
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    Reference, Truth and Realaity: Essays on the Philosophy of Language.Mark Platts - 1980 - Mind 92 (366):288-291.
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  33. Wilde heuristics and Rum Tum Tuggers: preference indeterminacy and instability.Mark Alfano - 2012 - Synthese 189 (S1):5-15.
    Models in decision theory and game theory assume that preferences are determinate: for any pair of possible outcomes, a and b, an agent either prefers a to b, prefers b to a, or is indifferent as between a and b. Preferences are also assumed to be stable: provided the agent is fully informed, trivial situational influences will not shift the order of her preferences. Research by behavioral economists suggests, however, that economic and hedonic preferences are to some degree indeterminate and (...)
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    Reasons and healthcare professionals' claims of conscience.Mark R. Wicclair - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):21 – 22.
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    Selective processing of masked and unmasked verbal threat material in anxiety: Influence of an immediate acute stressor.Mark S. Edwards, Jennifer S. Burt & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (6):812-835.
  36.  78
    Addressing the Clumsiness Loophole in a Leggett-Garg Test of Macrorealism.Mark M. Wilde & Ari Mizel - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (2):256-265.
    The rise of quantum information theory has lent new relevance to experimental tests for non-classicality, particularly in controversial cases such as adiabatic quantum computing superconducting circuits. The Leggett-Garg inequality is a “Bell inequality in time” designed to indicate whether a single quantum system behaves in a macrorealistic fashion. Unfortunately, a violation of the inequality can only show that the system is either (i) non-macrorealistic or (ii) macrorealistic but subjected to a measurement technique that happens to disturb the system. The “clumsiness” (...)
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    Responsible Believers.Mark Leon - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):421-435.
    For an action to be free, for an agent to be responsible for his action, it is sometimes thought that he must act from a will that is free or for which he is responsible. There is a connection between freedom of action and freedom or autonomy of will, but the connection cannot be the one envisaged here, modelling free will on a free action, for not only does that set off an obvious regress, but as importantly the elements of (...)
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    Kant on practical justification: interpretive essays.Mark Timmons & Sorin Baiasu (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume of new essays provides a comprehensive and structured examination of Kant's justification of norms, a crucial but neglected theme in Kantian practical philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Foucault as complexity theorist: Overcoming the problems of classical philosophical analysis.Mark Olssen - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):96–117.
    This article explores the affinities and parallels between Foucault's Nietzschean view of history and models of complexity developed in the physical sciences in the twentieth century. It claims that Foucault's rejection of structuralism and Marxism can be explained as a consequence of his own approach which posits a radical ontology whereby the conception of the totality or whole is reconfigured as an always open, relatively borderless system of infinite interconnections, possibilities and developments. His rejection of Hegelianism, as well as of (...)
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  40. A Guide to Critical Legal Studies.Mark Kelman - 1988 - The Personalist Forum 4 (2):57-60.
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    Bolzano's Sententialism.Mark Textor - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):181-202.
    Bolzano holds that every sentence can be paraphrased into a sentence of the form "A has b". Bolzano's arguments for this claim are reconstructed and discussed. Since they crucially rely on Bolzano's notion of paraphrase, this notion is investigated in detail. Bolzano has usually been taken to require that in a correct paraphrase the sentence to be paraphrased and the paraphrasing sentence express the same proposition. In view of Bolzano's texts and systematical considerations this interpretation is rejected: Bolzano only holds (...)
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  42. Religious and Islamic studies, challenges for the twentieth century.Mark Woodward - 2009 - In Ahmad Syukri Saleh, Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin & A. A. Miftah (eds.), Islam and contemporary issues on Islamic education, law, philosophy, and economy. Jambi: PPs IAIN STS Jambi.
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  43. Incomparability in Epistemology.Mark Emerson Wunderlich - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    Epistemologists are interested in what makes beliefs well justified. Even before considering competing theories of epistemic justification, however, we should ask what sort of valuational structure we are trying to explain. If, as far as epistemic justification is concerned, beliefs are like bank accounts, then all beliefs are comparable: just as in any bank account there must be more, less, or as much money as in any other, one belief must be better, worse, or as good as any other. Contemporary (...)
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    Two Issues in Computer Ethics for Non-Programmers.Mark E. Wunderlich - 2010 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (2):255-264.
    Two of the distinctive ethical issues that arise for computer users (as opposed to computer programmers) have to do with the file formats that are used to encode information and the licensing terms for computer software. With respect to both issues, most professional philosophers do not recognize the burdens that they impose on others. Once one recognizes these burdens, a very simple argument demands changes in the behavior of the typical computer user: some of the ways we use computers gratuitously (...)
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    A priori judgments and the argument from design.Mark Wynn - 1996 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 39 (3):169 - 185.
    At the outset of this discussion, I undertook to present an argument from design which would follow Swinburne's example in making use of a priori judgments, while avoiding some of the objections which have been posed in response to his treatment of these issues. So we need to ask: how does this approach to the question of design compare with Swinburne's?Swinburne argues that a chaotic world is a priori more likely than an ordered world: this consideration provides one central reason, (...)
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    Evil and opportunity cost.Mark Wynn - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):139-154.
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    Herbert McCabe on the Eucharist: Entering a New World.Mark Wynn - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1104):278-293.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1104, Page 278-293, March 2022.
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    Prendre au sérieux les apparences.Mark Wynn - 2012 - ThéoRèmes 2 (1).
    Ce texte explore certaines implications de l'idée selon laquelle des pensées religieuses peuvent faire partie de l'apparence sensorielle des choses. Je commence par clarifier cette idée en utilisant des exemples exposés par Roger Scruton qui discute la phénoménologie de l'expérience architecturale. Ensuite, je considère, d'un point de vue pragmatique et épistémique, l'apport de cette idée pour l'argument pour les croyances religieuses. Plus précisément, j'explore comment l'idée d'une relation interne entre la pensée religieuse et les apparences sensorielles des choses peut être (...)
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    Taking the appearances seriously: architectural experience and the phenomenological case for religious belief.Mark Wynn - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (3):331 - 344.
    This paper explores some implications of the idea that religious thoughts can enter into the sensory appearances of things. I begin by clarifying this idea, using some examples drawn from Roger Scruton's discussion of the phenomenology of architectural experience. Then I consider the bearing of the idea on the case for religious belief in pragmatic and epistemic terms. More exactly, I explore how the idea of an internal relation between religious thought and the sensory appearances of things can be used (...)
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  50. Patients and profits.Mark Yarborough - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (1).
    The thesis of the paper is that For Profit Hospitals are morally inappropriate health care delivery institutions. The thesis is established first by elaborating on the beneficent nature of medicine, hospitals, and the physician/patient relationship. The primary obligation of the physician, who draws on the resources of medicine and the hospitals, is to restore personal autonomy that is diminished by illness and suffering within the constraints of the canon of loyalty that frames the physician patient relationship. Hospitals have historically played (...)
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